Learn About Methods of Payment

Authorized business-related travel expenses may be paid by the University through various payment methods dependent on the nature of the expense.

Agency Travel Card (ATC)

VCU’s Agency Travel Card (ATC) is available for travel bookings through Collegiate Travel Planners. Departments have the option to purchase air and rail tickets using the online booking tool or full agent assisted bookings.

To utilize the ATC card for air and rail bookings, departments are required to supply the 12-digit Chrome River Pre-Approval number and the authorized departmental Banner index number via the online booking tool or to the Collegiate Travel Planners travel agent. Pre Approvals are required for all air and rail bookings including guest travelers and trips under $500.

Travel Reimbursement

Travelers may pay out of pocket for travel expenses and get reimbursed for those expenses that were authorized, reasonable, and for business purposes only.

Travel Card Individual Liability

The Travel Card application is a contract between the employee and the card provider. The Travel Card is an individual liability payment card account which is tied to cardholders’ personal credit. Employees are liable for all authorized charges made on the card, and the account will show on cardholders’ credit reports. As such, the employee is responsible for payment of the monthly bill each month regardless of whether they have received reimbursement for travel expenses.

See Request a Travel Card for detailed information

Travel Cash Advance

Travel advances may only be issued to University faculty and staff to pay for lodging, vehicle rental, and other travel related expenses. Advances are not allowed for those with a travel card or for air/rail tickets. See Request a Travel Advance for detailed information.


May be used to pay for registration fees prior to event/conference

For More Information

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VCU IT Self Service > Enter IT Portal > Submit a Request > Procurement Services
Under Procurement Services, select Travel and Reimbursement

Edit | Last updated: 10/20/2023