Use a P-Card to Make a Purchase

The Purchasing Card (P-Card) is designed to help streamline the procurement and payment processes for small purchases. Orders may be made in person, over the phone or electronically (provided the website has the required level of security).

Step by Step

  1. Using the card

    Cardholders should utilize chip enabled terminals at point of sale whenever possible.

    If the vendor asks for the billing address when purchasing online or by phone, the cardholder should provide their Box number.

    VCU is exempt from State sales tax including all food, catering and prepared meals when paid for with the P-Card. If the vendor intends to charge tax, the cardholder should provide the Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption form.

  2. Vendor Surcharges

    US Vendors are allowed to impose a surcharge on credit card transactions, but only if they meet the following criteria:

    • On file with VISA as charging a surcharge
    • Does not exceed the maximum amount of 3%
    • Posts in their store, on their website and/or their invoicing that they charge this fee

    Fee must be a separate line item, they cannot be added to the items on the order.

For More Information

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For help, please submit an IT Support Service ticket
VCU IT Self Service > Enter IT Portal > Submit a Request > Procurement Services
Under Procurement Services, select P-Card

Edit | Last updated: 02/25/2025