Make a Postdoctoral/Predoctoral Payment

Pre-Doctoral payments are made to students at VCU who are paid on a training grant or other extramurally funded source as a trainee rather than as an employee. Post-Doctoral payments are made to individuals who have already obtained their degree, but who are classified as fellows/trainees and are paid on a training grant.


Procurement Services has worked with key departments to design a new and improved Stipend Payment for processing Post Doc, Graduate Assistant and REU payments. This new process utilizes the existing One-Time payment form in RealSource and can be used to process Stipend Payments today. We plan to retire the post doc – predoc scheduled payment process. The new process does not affect any current Post Doc – Predoc scheduled payments, so no action is necessary on existing orders. If a change to an existing scheduled payment or a new Post Doc, Graduate Assistant or REU payment is necessary before July 1st; we recommend using the new Stipend Payment process. Once the existing scheduled orders expire Procurement Services will direct departments to use the new Stipend Process.

For more details on the new process, please refer to the link below.

If there are any questions about Stipend Payments, contact or call 8-3377.

Edit | Last updated: 05/08/2024