Give a Stipend

A stipend is a taxable fellowship paid to a student which is typically used as a living allowance. Stipends are often made as an incentive for a student to attend a class or participate in a particular program at VCU. Stipends are never payments involving services performed for the University. Stipends can be paid directly to the student or applied as a credit to a student’s account. Payments made directly to the student are processed through Accounts Payable. Payments applied as a credit are processed through Student Accounting.

Step by Step

  1. A. Make a Payment Using Candex – if the individual has a valid email address and have a social security number that they will provide to Candex
    1. Complete the Candex order in RealSource
      Use the Candex catalog located in RealSource on the shopping dashboard under the Accounts Payable section
  2. B. Use RealSource to process payment
    1. Determine if the Recipient is Set Up in RealSource
      See the RealSource User Help-Guide to determine how to search to see if the recipient is set up in RealSource
    2. Complete the One Time Payment Request in RealSource
      See the RealSource User Help-Guide to determine how to complete this form.

For More Information

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For help, please submit an IT Support Service ticket
VCU IT Self Service > Enter IT Portal > Submit a Request > Procurement Services
Under Procurement Services, select Accounts Payable

Edit | Last updated: 11/13/2024