November 2023

Published monthly, the Fiscal Administrators' News is where you can find the latest information regarding the Office of Procurement Services.

Table of Contents

Procurement Services

Winter Close Schedule

Please review the Procurement Services Winter Close Schedule here.

P-card Allocations

The P-Card allocation timeline will be shortened due to Winter Closing, please ensure general ledger allocations are included in the Banner upload. Transactions must be allocated by COB Monday December 18th. For P-card or ATC Transactions that are to be allocated to a Grant, please be sure the Grant expenditure date is open thru December 21, 2023, so that the transaction can properly post once it is uploaded to Banner.

Airline Travel Card Transactions

ATC Transactions that post in Banner will now generally include the name of the Traveler (Last/First) plus a 6 digit Alpha Numeric Passenger Name Record or PNR Code. For example, the description may read as follows: "Smith/John-UVWXYZ". Travelers can use the PNR code to search the Travel Agency portal to locate the associated invoice if necessary.

If you have further questions, please contact

Travel Encumbrance Banner Issue

Travel Encumbrance Banner Issue impacted postings from 8/3 - 10/3/2023 In October, we discovered an IT system change from 8/2 was preventing the Travel Encumbrances from posting to Banner. The issue was corrected on 10/3. IT loaded the missing encumbrances from 8/3/23 - 10/3/23 into Banner on 10/23/23. These missing encumbrances will also reflect a posting date of 10/23/23.

Collegiate Travel Lightning Training Video

The training video from the September 20th Collegiate Travel Planners online training is now available. The video is accessible under Links on the CTP/CTM main portal page, on the VCU Office of Procurement - I Want to Travel webpage and also on the Chrome River main page.

Collegiate Travel Airfare detail is available in your Chrome River eWallet

The CTP airfare travel data is available in your Chrome River eWallet. You can merge the airfare details directly into your expense report. Remember to choose University Paid as the payment method.

Holiday Gifts from Vendors

As we continue to move through the holiday season, Procurement Services reminds departments that gifts should not be accepted from vendors. Often, vendors reach out to clients during the holiday season with items intended to encourage business. It is the policy of VCU, as an agency subject to Virginia state procurement and conflict of interest laws that university employees not accept gifts of any type from vendors. Procurement Services has prepared a letter for vendors explaining this policy, which can be found in the Document Library. Staff are invited to share this letter with vendors who inquire about or offer gifts to employees.

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Edit | Last updated: 11/15/2023