Make a Postdoctoral/Predoctoral Payment

Pre-Doctoral payments are made to students at VCU who are paid on a training grant or other extramurally funded source as a trainee rather than as an employee. Post-Doctoral payments are made to individuals who have already obtained their degree, but who are classified as fellows/trainees and are paid on a training grant.

Step by Step

  1. Determine if the Recipient is set up in RealSource.

  2. Complete a Payment Schedule Form

    Ensure the following information is entered on the Payment Schedule Form.

    • Name - Insert full, legal name as it is listed in the Banner Financial System. Do not use abbreviations.
    • Banner ID (V#)
    • Address - Insert address as listed in Banner.
  3. Create a Purchase Order in RealSource.

    Create separate lines for each payment

  4. Receive in RealSource.

    Receive on each line at least 5 days prior to payment due date.

  5. Submit the Invoice at Least 15 days Prior to the First Scheduled Payment.

    Send to

  6. Notify AP if Payments Should Stop.

    Notification should be sent to Accounts Payable by emailing as soon as the department becomes aware of the need to stop payments so that no undesired payments are released. If a Post Doctoral Trainee quits or leaves the program early, the additional payments that have yet to be processed to the individual will be voided out of Banner and removed from your index.

Edit | Last updated: 04/15/2024